Software engineering is first and foremost a great adventure that professionals can overcome in the traditional or modern way. But, developing software in the traditional way can be a very dangerous adventure. This “waterfall” system is logical, but not flexible, which is its biggest flaw in the modern world of technology where new software is being developed every single day.
Creating software in the traditional way involves collecting requests, planning, then creating software, and eventually testing and placing products on the market. That may cause a feedback loop, which can be negative, as well as positive.
While this seems a logical approach to software development, there are a number of obstacles in this seemingly logical path. Some of those obstacles are changing customer or market requirements, introducing new options, or correcting errors that are only noticed during the testing phase.
Developing software by the traditional method is expensive, questionable and often unsuccessful. On the other hand, there is a useful agile software development method that is considered the “standard” in the software industry. Agile software development has established itself as a leader in this industry due to the ability to change and adapt to the requirements at any time during creation. Also, this method has improved the speed of creation and reduced the amount of work and costs of its production and placement.
The world’s leading software companies engaged in software development have long since moved on to an agile way of development, with Google and Microsoft as the leaders.
The basis of agile software development lies in the gradual approach of repetition, i.e. iterative and incremental. Scaling agile refers to the Scaled Agile Framework which is a set of organization and workflow patterns intended to guide enterprises in scaling lean and agile practices. Agility refers to any process that matches the concepts of “Agile Manifesto”.
The Agile Software Development Manifesto contains 4 core values and 12 principles, which explains why agile software development is better than the “waterfall” system. This method of software development is open to change requests over the life of the project and involves ongoing feedback from the product owner and end-users. Instead of detailed planning at the beginning of the project and firm adherence to those plans, agile software development is open to change requests over the life of the project and involves ongoing feedback from end-users.
Experts who deal with agile software development, work on repetition over a period of time, based on the backlog prioritized based on client requirements.
1. The highest priority is customer satisfaction, which is done by regularly delivering better, more useful and better software.
2. Requests are accepted even during the late stage of development. Agile processes enable successful adaptation to changes, resulting in a competitive advantage for team members and clients.
3. Continual delivery of a product, i.e. deliveries of working software are frequent, ranging from a few weeks to a few months, giving preference to shorter lead times.
4. Teamwork is very important. Managers and developers need to collaborate daily throughout the project.
5. Projects are built around motivated individuals who listen to users. Those experts are provided with the ambiance and support they need and the work is left with confidence.
6. The most efficient and effective method of transmitting information to and within the development team is a conversation in person.
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Continuous attention to technical quality and good design enhances agility.
9. Simplicity – The art of bringing you the highest level of work that does not need to be done is essential.
10. The best architectures, requirements and design come from teams that are organized by themselves.
11. Teams are considering how to become as efficient as possible at regular intervals, adapting further procedures accordingly. They working with pair programming, which is an agile software development technique: two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in.
12. The biggest advantage of agile methods is that they focus on flexibility, continuous progress and speed. The agile software development cycle is flexible and constantly evolving. All phases of this cycle do not occur simultaneously and sequentially, and many of them occur in parallel.
The goal of this phase is to break down the idea into smaller pieces of work, characteristics or technical requirements, and then prioritize each one and assign them reps as needed.
This phase involves gathering information that will be used while working on the project. These requirements must be measurable, relevant and detailed.
The software system and design are prepared based on the requirements identified in the previous phase. The test team also comes up with a test strategy or plan of action.
This phase is the creation and testing of features or technical requirements, with the scheduling and scheduling of repetitions. The development phase begins with repetition. This repetition sets the stage for development, with tasks such as finalizing the contract, preparing the environment and financing.
Once the code is developed, it is tested to verify that it meets all client requirements. During this phase, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing must be done.
After testing, the product is delivered to customers for use. When users start using the product, they may encounter new problems that the project team needs to address and solve.
Agile represents a framework and has a number of specific methods within the agile movement, and those are the most common methods used to implement agility:
Known as XP, extreme programming is a type of developing software that aims to improve the quality and responsiveness to constant client requests. XP principles include feedback, assuming simplicity, and accepting change.
This repetitive and incremental software development process fits into the best practices industry in one approach. There are five basic activities in FDD: develop a comprehensive model, build a list of features or technical requirements, plan by feature, design by feature, and build software by feature.
Adaptive system development is the idea that projects should always be in a state of constant adaptation. ASD has a cycle of three repetitive series: speculation, collaboration and learning.
This agile framework is used to develop software and solutions that are not strictly IT. It deals with common failures of IT projects, such as budget overruns, deadlines, and lack of involvement in development by the client or user.
The eight principles of DSDM are: focus on business needs, on-time delivery, collaboration, quality without compromise, gradual building from a solid foundation, developing step by step, effectively communicating and clearly, and demonstrating control over development.
There are seven principles to Lean Software Development method:
Removing all that is irrelevant, enhanced learning, deciding as late as possible, delivering as quickly as possible, empowering the team, building integrity and understanding the whole.
Kanban means “visual sign” or “card” in Japanese, and represents the visual framework for implementing agility. Promotes small, permanent changes to your current system. His principles include: visualizing workflow, limiting work in progress, managing and increasing flow, explicit policy, and continuous improvement
Crystal Clear is part of the Crystal Family Method. It can be used with teams of six to eight developers and concentrates on people rather than processes or objects. Cristal Clear requires the following: frequent delivery of usable codes to users, reflective enhancements, and osmotic communication.
Scrum is one of the most popular ways to implement an agile method. It is a software model that keeps track of a series of roles, responsibilities and meetings that never change, leading by a scrum master. The scrum master is responsible for managing the exchange of information between team members. Sprints, usually last one to two weeks and allow the team to deliver the software regularly.
Agile software development is better than traditional “waterfall” development because all costs for this method are lower, while the end result is better and the product can change in accordance with investors’ and costumers’ wishes.